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Python vs JavaScript snippets

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George Crisan
George Crisan
Posted on:

I've started recently to use Python with Scrapy. Naturally, when I need to do certain things like spreading a list of values or using a try/catch block, my brain attempts initially to write code the way we do it in JavaScript. (I've done mainly JavaScript for the last 7 years or so) Assuming you are new to Python too, these snippets are meant to stimulate our brain's neuroplasticity. Enjoy.

Will start with the most basic concepts and will end up with more complex. The code below is ready to run. No pseudo code, copy/paste it in a working environment and should be ready to play with it straight away.

1. Destructuring assignment

This is what I find myself using frequently, in a way or another.


bikes_brands = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'triumph', 'suzuki', 'ducati']

first, second, *others = bikes_brands

print(first, second, others)

# Output: honda yamaha ['triumph', 'suzuki', 'ducati']


const bikeBrands = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'triumph', 'suzuki', 'ducati'];

[first, second, ...others] = bikeBrands;

console.log(first, second, others);

// Output: honda yamaha ['triumph', 'suzuki', 'ducati']

2. Nested ternary operator

Not the best practice but worth mentioning for the sake of the article. Please keep your code easy to read.


age = 32

result = 'George is old' if age > 59 else 'George is young' if age <= 40 else 'George is middle age'


# Output: George is young


const age = 32;

const result = age > 59 ? "George is old" : age <= 40 ? "George is young" : "George is middle age";


// Output: George is young

3. Class and method declaration


Python has the concept of magic method, see the __str__ example

class Bike():
  def __init__(self, brand, capacity):
    self.brand = brand
    self.capacity = capacity
  # Magic method
  def __str__(self):
    return f'Bike - brand: {self.brand}, engine capacity: {self.capacity} cc'
  #Normal method 
  def toString(self):
    return f'Bike - brand: {self.brand}, engine capacity: {self.capacity} cc'
my_bike = Bike('Honda', 600)

# magic method use case 

# standard method use case

# Output 1: Bike - brand: Honda, engine capacity: 600 cc
# Output 2: Bike - brand: Honda, engine capacity: 600 cc


"this" from JavaScript is not the same as "self" in Python.
There are cirumstances where these two have similar behaviour but "this" has different functionality based on the function invokation context.

class Bike {
    constructor(brand, capacity) {
        this.brand = brand;
        this.capacity = capacity;

    toString() {
        return `Bike - brand: ${this.brand}, engine capacity: ${this.capacity} cc`

const myBike = new Bike("Yamaha", 1000);


// Output: Bike - brand: Yamaha, engine capacity: 1000 cc

4. Try, catch and finally block


# Code that could cause exceptions
  print("No problem so far")

# This block executes if an exception of type "NameError" occurs
except NameError:
  print("Variable x is not defined")

# This block executes if other exception occurs
  print("We have a problem")

# Code to run indiscriminately
  print("I am done")

# Output 1: No problem so far
# Output 2: Variable x is not defined
# Output 3: I am done


try {
  // tryCode - Code block to run
  console.log("no problem so far");
catch(error) {
  // catchCode - Code block to handle errors
    console.log("[Error] ", error.message);
finally {
  // finallyCode - Code block to be executed regardless of the try result
  console.log("Life is good")

/** Output:
 * no problem so far
 * [Error]  undeclaredVariable is not defined
 * Life is good

5. Infinite Generator


def my_generator():
    num = 0
    while True:
        yield num
        num += 1

generator = my_generator();

# Output: 0 1 2


function *myGenerator() {
    let nr = 0;

    while (true) {
        yield nr;

const generator = myGenerator();


// Output: 0 1 2

This was a fun article to make. Thank you if you've managed to read so far and have a lovely day.